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Gary Mitchell

Gary Mitchell: The Star Trek God-Killer

Gary Mitchell, a former Starfleet officer, became Captain Kirk's first enemy and foreshadowed future omnipotent threats in the Star Trek universe.

Mitchell's last words gave shocking insight into a new kind of danger that would continue to haunt the franchise.

Lieutenant Commander Gary Mitchell, a male Human Starfleet officer, served in the operations division during the mid-23rd century. He was Kirk's former best friend on the USS Enterprise.

After being exposed to a mysterious alien artifact, Mitchell gained god-like powers and became the Captain's first enemy. He was eventually defeated and killed by Kirk, but his final words hinted at a greater threat to come.

Mitchell's story foreshadowed the arrival of other omnipotent menaces in the Star Trek universe, such as Trelane, the Squire of Gothos, William Campbell, and the Greek god Apollo.

Mitchell's legacy as a god-killer and harbinger of future threats makes him one of the most important characters in Star Trek history.


